Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Asking Hard Questions

One of the prominent themes that the Lord seems to be pushing lately is this: asking hard questions. Recently, I began asking my boyfriend some questions that did not have easy answers or were not particularly fun to talk about. I had not really thought about it, but he thanked me for asking him and asked me to "keep asking hard questions." I've been thinking about that a lot. As Christians, shouldn't we be constantly asking hard questions? Of ourselves... and of our friends.

By hard questions, I mean questions that get at our hearts- that expose our failures and incorrect ways of thinking. Hard questions that lead to better communication within ourselves and between each other. Questions that we know may very likely have answers we will not like.

Pursuing holiness by asking hard questions, and then dealing with the answers- that's the new theme.

Hmmm. Just a thought.


  1. I know this feeling well. Being Sanctified is not an easy process. But oh the joy found in it, eh?!

  2. Crystal, I absolutely agree. Just looking at the change in my heart over the past few years is incredible... what a powerful Spirit lives with in us! :)
