Saturday, October 9, 2010

A Lazy Saturday

It has probably been about three months since the words "lazy" and "Saturday" could go together in the same sentence. It's wonderful. I had no "to do" list when I got up this morning. Of course, I have been getting things done, but in a comfortable, relieving pace. How good is it! Even the week ahead looks to be comfortably busy.What a nice change!

One of the themes of life lately, the tidbit that the Lord has constantly been re-reminding me of is this: the Christian life is hard. There is not a magic point I reach where I completely "get it" and have no struggles. It will be a constant battle against sin. Sometimes, it's a tiring thought. I was talking with Josh early this morning, and I was struck by a thought: the harder you run a race, the more difficult it is-- but the faster it goes. I want to push hard, to run as if to win the prize.

Allow me to sidetrack from that thought for one minute. I have also, this year, really experienced a longing for heaven like never before. It is not at all that I am not loving life; I am so blessed and having so much fun. But I really just long to be face to face with my Savior. I'm homesick.

Back to the original thought. This morning, thinking about running hard verses running lazily, I wondered if I could not take the analogy of the Christian life as a race a step further. I have a feeling that heaven will come a lot "quicker" (or at least feel like it) if I run hard. I want to push myself, with the Spirit's help, to really live a life worthy. I want to fight my sin with all that is in me. I want to be courageous in my interactions with and endeavors in the world. I'm learning.

God, give me the strength to run hard.

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