Friday, May 14, 2010


I went to the doctor yesterday, following an MRI the previous day. Turns out, it looks like I did tear my lateral meniscus in my knee (and apparently must have originally strained my ACL too... I am SO glad it didn't tear!) Good news is (and I don't understand all of this) that it is torn different from what is normal and it may be healing itself. I get to start out with physical therapy, go to Mexico, and then re-evaluate when I am back. I still may need surgery eventually, but for now I am worry free!

It will limit how much I can do in Mexico to an extent. Basically the doctor said that any kind of squatting down or sharp turns have the potentially to lock my knee up and cause me a lot, lot of pain. So, prayers would be appreciated that I have no problems and things go smoothly!

It looks like my first PT appointment will be on Monday. We'll see how it goes!

I've started re-memorizing 1 Corinthians 13 in Spanish, and it's a lot of fun. It's cool memorizing verses in Spanish, because since I have to translate it in my head I think a lot about what the verse is actually saying. I don't know if that makes sense.

Well, 10 days!

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