Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Sleigh Bells Ring... Are You Listening?

I love Christmas! It's just delightful, really. I love the songs, the mood, the smells, the laughs. I love Christmas.

Honestly, this year involved less contemplation of the wonder of Christ's birth than years past. It's just been this really weird combination of busy and slow that has not allowed a lot of time to sit and think. I don't even know how to explain it. While I have not spent as much time pondering Christ's arrival on earth, it has been a Christmas full of thinking about the kind of person I do and do not want to be. In the past week, I have thought a lot about what it really means to live a life worthy. I certainly do not feel up to the challenge. But, one-two-three, deep breath, and we dive right back into this crazy thing called living.

One of the biggest goals that I have for my life is to learn to relate to all types of people, to love them for the good qualities that they have, and to learn never to think of myself as better than anyone else. I am not better than anyone else. Any talents or success that I possess are gifts from God. I do hope the Lord will grind that truth into my very being. If I could, in a lifetime, learn to LOVE like the Lord wants me to love, I would just be happy as a lark.

Little steps toward big goals, right? I have been paying extra attention of late to how I process my interactions with others. I have been catching the hints of I've-got-it-all-together in me and smashing them to the ground.

The irony of it all is that King Jesus, who had no need to be humble, showed great humility while I, who has every need to be humble, show little humility. Teach me to love with Your love, Abba, and to remember that "all that I am, I owe to Thee."

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