Tuesday, August 3, 2010


I've been home for six days now! It's hard to believe. It feels like I just got here. Life has been really busy for the past few days, and it doesn't really settle down.

I just had surgery on my knee yesterday. Praise God, it was much less serious than anticipated! I am looking at a quick recovery! Right now, of course, I am struggling to be patient with being out of commission, so I would still appreciate prayers! Please also pray that I can figure out how to squeeze in a doctor's appointment before I leave for school next week.

I am planning on continuing to blog this next year, about once a week. I may not be in Mexico anymore, but GOD still continues to teach me on a daily basis. I love to share all that I am learning. Any of you that would like are welcome to continue to follow my blog.

I am also working (slow but sure) on a summary of the summer. I hope to post that on my blog for you all, but I will also be sending it out to those of you that so generously supported me financially and in prayer this summer. Thank you for being part of what God has done!

Until later!
April Joy

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