Friday, July 9, 2010

What God is Doing

The other night I got down on my knees (literally, this time) and asked the Lord to forgive me. Having only two and a half weeks left, I had an attitude of "what can I really do in two weeks?" Honestly, it is something I have often struggled with here. I repented of my attitude, and told Him that I knew He could do crazy things in two weeks, and that I was going to work hard and wait on Him.

Of course, He responded to my prayer by challenging me in so many ways. The street ministry staff asked me to give the Bible Lesson. I was so scared. I am a lot more comfortable working with the little kids, because my Spanish does not need to be that incredible. Working with teenage kids from the street scared me. What if I didn't remember how to say things? What if they didn't pay attention? None of the staff at the street ministry speak English, so I would be stuck.

Yet, God reminded me that I had promised I would not limit myself to what I am capable of doing, and instead I would remember that He can do anything through me. I agreed to do the lesson. I spent a lot of time praying and thinking about what to talk on. Eventually I narrowed it down to one idea. In a short prayer, I asked God to confirm it. I opened my Bible to the exact passage. While I am not a big fan of the "open the Bible and point the finger tactic," I was convinced. There we go.

The lesson today, with the help of the Lord, went wonderfully. All the words came out, the kids paid attention - even more so than they usually do. Whether it's because I am a blue eyed blond or because they really were interested, the listened. I am so thankful!

I have had a lot of good conversations lately. Not only that but "my" lesson for VBS (all of we interns had a day we were in charge of) went really well. My relationships with the kids are awesome. We took them to the beach yesterday and had so much fun. It is such a privilege to be able to tel these kids that I love them and then to tell them WHY I love them: because Jesus loved me first and because He loves them. Please keep praying that God will do crazy things in these last two weeks!

Finally, please pray that God will bring some of the street kids to a saving knowledge of Christ. A lot of them have heard the Gospel but it hasn't really hit them yet.

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