Saturday, June 5, 2010


I don't have a whole lot of time, so this will have to be a short summary. God is doing so much! At first things were really hard with the language barrier (even with the Spanish I know). I prayed a lot that God would still allow me to talk about Jesus with the kids and it's starting to happen.

Yesterday, S. (a 14 year old boy) taught me how to make a star out of paper and I was able to talk with him about the story of Jesus' birth and the star above his house. Then, I also got to read with B. (a four year old girl) and L. (a eight year old boy) from a children's story Bible and talk with them a little about what Jesus did.

Last night, one of the older girls asked me why I was always so happy and in a good mood. Why don't I get sad or grumpy? I told her the truth - sometimes I don't feel good, sometimes things are not easy BUT always, I can remember that Jesus has saved me and nothing surpasses that. We didn't get to talk for too long (we were having a sleepover). I am slowly breaking through with the older girls!

I also was able to give a Bible a brought with to one of the older boys who did not have one. (He's about 14). He promised me he would read it and already this morning he told me he read John 1 (I recommended he start in John.)

AHH! And all this in Spanish! God is at work! Please pray!

PRAY! :)

Oh, and I'm feeling great. This is where I belong right now. I miss you all!