Wednesday, April 14, 2010

He is Faithful!

Well, friends, I have wonderful news!

I am at about 61% of what I am trying to raise. We're getting so close! I have a lot of verbal pledges that haven't come in yet as well, so I am feeling very good about this all!

Just for a peak into me, here’s a little bit of free verse that came spilling out. It’s nothing impressive as far as poetry goes, but I think it communicates what I was feeling and what the Lord was showing me! :)


“You are weak, so weak”
The truth beats against me like an angry wave
“You are a failure, you are so dirty, you are broken”
More truth stings my face like a slap
But no truth should be spoken out of context

Weak, yes, but Strong in Him
Failure, yes, but He doesn’t judge me by my success
Dirty, yes, but washed by His blood
Broken, yes, but He’s holding me together
He is the context,
The constant, concrete context

I am because He is.
He rose so I could live.
It makes a world of difference; it pieces my life back together.

He is the context that all that I am is forever wrapped up in.
Everything makes so much more sense in Context.
In Context, broken glass is beautiful,
The shards of me reflecting His light
My Context.
They may not understand the Context, but they cannot take me out of my Context.
United with Christ has a deeper meaning.
Christ is my Context.

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